How to Prepare for the PRINCE2-Re-Registration Exam?

When it comes to taking the PRINCE2-Re-Registration exam, many people find it over their heads. In this article, you will learn how to prepare for the exam, what you should expect on the day of the exam, and how to pass the test the first time. There are also some things to avoid, so that you can prepare effectively for the re-registration exam. Read on for more tips!

Taking a PRINCE2 Practitioner re-certification exam

If you already hold the Practitioner certification, you should take a re-certification exam. It is a two-and-a-half-hour exam, consisting of 68 multiple-choice questions. The exam is open-book, and you should have an overall score of 55% or better to pass. There are two exams for PRINCE2 practitioners: the foundation exam and the re-certification exam. The re-certification exam consists of two-and-a-half-hours, and requires a pass mark of 55% or more.


Preparing for the exam

If you have decided to get a PRINCE2 certification, it will definitely help you in your career growth. Once you pass this exam, you'll be able to get a well-paying job. This certification will allow you to lead a successful project management career. In addition, if you're a newbie to the world of PRINCE2 and aren't sure how to get it, you can rely on the many resources that are available on the Internet.

Taking the exam

Taking the PRINCE2-Re-Regulation (PRINCE2) exam is a worthwhile way to maintain your certificate. It shows that you are knowledgeable about the latest practices in project management, and it is also good for your job market. Since PRINCE2 is updated frequently, it may be difficult to find a job if you are not registered. Therefore, it is best to take the exam at least a year after you obtained the certification.


Taking the exam re-sit

Many PRINCE2 learners panic when it comes to the PRINCE2-Re-registration process, but this is not an issue. As long as you have your PRINCE2 Practitioner certification, you're fine. You'll only have to re-register if you want to claim the currency of your knowledge. The re-registration exam will help you prove this. You'll also need to update your CV with your new designation.

Taking the exam in English

Taking a PRINCE2-Re-Registration exam is mandatory for those who want to recertify their PRINCE2 Practitioner or Foundation certification. However, the exams are no longer available in English. As of January 1, 2018, only the Practitioner and Foundation exams will be available in English. The official PRINCE2 website will still have a selection of translations available for the exams.

Taking the exam in another language

Taking the PRINCE2-Re-registration exam in another language is not an impossible task. As long as you study well and prepare for the exam beforehand, you can pass. The exam is held online, which gives you a provisional result immediately. The APMG will then verify the results and issue a certificate to you within 10-14 working days. If you cannot take the test in your native language, you can still take the English version.